Belize Currency Conversion

The unit of currency in Belize is the Belize dollar and the plural is "dollars." Like the U.S. dollar, it is subdivided into 100 cents. The currency code is BZD; the symbol, BZ$. When in Belize, you need to check before making a purchase to see if they are giving you the price in U.S. or in Belize dollars.
  1. Exchange Rate

    • The Belize dollar is worth 50 cents U.S. or $1 USD is worth BZ$2. As of July 16, 2009, the bank was buying $1 in U.S. currency for BZ$2 and selling at BZ$2.0175. The Euro was being purchased at BZ$2.7734 and sold at BZ$2.8578.

    Coins Available

    • The denominations of coins available are 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and BZ$1.

    Banknotes Available

    • The denominations of dollars available are BZ$1, BZ$2, BZ$5, BZ$10, BZ$20, BZ$50 and BZ$100. A portrait of Queen Elizabeth II appears on all the money. This is a reminder that Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state and Belize is a member of the British Commonwealth.

    Where to Change Money

    • You do not really need to exchange money because the U.S. dollar is accepted everywhere in Belize. If you are exchanging money from another country, you can exchange it in any bank, the majority of which are found in Belize City.

    Credit Cards

    • Most major credit cards are widely accepted in Belize except by street vendors and small establishments. ATMs accept credit cards with the Interlink, Plus or Star logo on them for up to $500 a day.

    Traveler's Checks

    • Traveler's checks may be exchanged in banks or major hotels. Traveler's checks are considered void if they are wet.

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