Reason for Traffic Sign Colors

Road signs assist drivers in a variety of ways. These signs give directions, warn of road conditions and inform about local attractions. Road signs come in a set color scheme depending on the purpose.
  1. Purpose of road signs

    • Roads signs are available to help drivers reach their destination and traverse surrounding areas. Monitoring these signs can avoid dangers of travel.

    Main color schemes

    • There are eight main colors used on road signs. These colors are red, green, brown, blue, black, white, yellow and orange. Each serves as an indicator of the available information.

    Information by color

    • The sign's color relates to its information display: Red for stop or yield, brown for recreational guides, green for parking signs, blue for traveler services, black for one-way signs, white for speed signs, yellow for warnings and orange for traffic control.

    Additional colors

    • The U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control notes five additional colors that are used. These colors include florescent yellow or green, pink and purple. These are used to indicate school bus zones, incident updates and toll booth information.

    Signal lights

    • Signal lights use a color tone to display information. Red means stop, yellow signals to yield and prepare to stop and green gives the signal to go if the path is safe.

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