How to Make Hitchhiking Signs

Most people would think hitchhiking is easy: walk along the shoulder of a road with your thumb out and someone will eventually stop. Arguably, one way that might increase your chances of getting a ride is by holding up a hitchhiking sign. Making the right kind of sign might be the difference between walking and getting a ride.


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      Get a piece of cardboard on which to make your sign. As you might be out in all types of weather, cardboard will hold up better than paper. Make sure the cardboard piece is large enough for passing cars to be able to read what's on it.

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      Use large block letters so your message is clear to drivers. Use a black, blue or red marker or even lipstick. Keep the sign to one or two words, usually the name of a city or town where you're headed.

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      Write clearly, legibly and evenly. A well-made sign will reflect that you can read and write and that you are on a planned trip with a clear destination in mind.

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      Add a colorful border around the wording to help attract drivers. A border can help the words on the sign stand out more and make it easier for drivers to read without having to slow down or stop.

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