How to Pack for a Sleepover

When you're visiting someone's house for a sleepover, the last thing you want to do is worry about items that you've forgotten. Before you daydream about all the fun you're going to have, organize the necessities so you'll be prepared when it's time to pack.


    • 1

      Keep a running list of the items you think you'll need for the sleepover. A few days before the event, note what toiletries you use as you get ready to go out in the morning and prepare for bed at night like soap, shampoo, a washcloth, towels and a toothbrush and toothpaste.

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      Consider the comfort items you need when you go to sleep. In addition to a sleeping bag, bring your comfy pillow, a stuffed animal or headphones and music if you need them to fall asleep.

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      Determine what clothes to bring based on the list of planned activities. Pajamas are a given, but find out if you'll need a swimsuit, dress clothes for going out to dinner or old clothing for messy crafts, for example. Pack lots of layers like t-shirts and sweaters so you'll be comfortable no matter how hot or cold the house is.

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      Check the invitation to see if it's a theme sleepover that requires you to pack additional items. You may have to bring a costume to a Halloween slumber party, for instance, or an assortment of wigs, clothing and makeup for a "fashion show" party.

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      Add any items that you'd like to share with the group or that might be fun if there's a lull in the activities. Consider favorite compact discs, DVDs, a digital camera, nail polishing supplies or a special snack, for example.

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      Bring a list of your medications, food allergies and contact names and numbers to give to your friend's mother in case of an emergency.

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