How to Select Carry-on Luggage

Traveling can be a rewarding experience and goes more smoothly when you are prepared. If you do not currently have a carry-on bag or are planning to upgrade soon, take into account many factors before choosing the best carry-on bag to fit you and your travel needs.


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      Decide what you want to include in your carry-on bag. For a short trip, you may be able to fit your clothing and personal belongings in just one bag, without requiring extra luggage. You want to choose the smallest bag to fit your needs.

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      Request information from the airline about specific dimension and weight restrictions, as they are slightly different for each airline. Find out which items are limited (such as liquids) or prohibited. Many times an item may be allowed in your checked-in luggage but not inside your carry-on bag, such as sharp objects like a nail file.

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      Choose a soft-sided bag with no wheels that is comfortable and easy to hold. You may be standing in line or walking a good distance at the airport, and should get a bag that is easy to carry. Choose soft, comfortable shoulder straps. Wheels are not recommended for bags you may want to store in the overhead compartment.

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      Choose a carry-on bag that includes several zipped compartments of varied sizes on the inside and outside of the bag. This makes it easy for you to organize everything you need and have important items like tickets and passport easily accessible.

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      Place the bag over your shoulder and walk back and forth down the aisle before purchasing. Make sure the bag is comfortable and the shoulder straps are soft. If it feels awkward or bulky, consider another style of bag.

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