Making Drum Cases

Drum cases are a necessary part of your equipment list. Not only do the cases protect your expensive drums from getting damaged by pets, siblings and other unexpected forces of nature, the cases also keep dust from damaging your drums and make it possible to travel. Homemade drum cases aren't as easy to transport as manufactured cases, but they are less expensive.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber Maid tote Foam mattress cover Hot glue gun Hot glue sticks Luggage
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  1. Make Drum Cases out of Rubbermaid Containers

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      Purchase a Rubber Maid container that is large enough to accommodate the drum that needs a new case. When you purchase a container make sure that there is an inch an a half of extra space so that you can pad the walls.

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      Measure the length and width of the four sides of the container and the floor.

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      Cut the foam mattress cover according to your measurements. While you are doing this your glue gun should be plugged in and warming up.

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      Glue the foam to all four sides and the bottom of the container. The foam padding will protect your drums when the case gets bumped into.

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      Place your drum inside your homemade drum case and make sure the lid is fastened tightly.

    Make a Drum Case out of Luggage

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      Purchase some hard shelled suitcases. The handles and wheels that are already installed on the suitcases make it easy to haul your drums from one location to another, and the hard shell keep your drums protected from bumps and nags. The best hard shelled suitcases are made by Samsonite. New, Samsonite suitcases can be costly. A savvy percussionist can save money by attending yard sales or searching online auctions and classifieds.

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      Tape the foam or bubble wrap to the inside of the suitcase. While the suitcases hard shell will protect your drum from most damage, the extra padding will add some extra protection.

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      Fasten strips of duct tape over the suitcases latches. The duct tape will prevent the latches from coming undone in transit. Wrapping a large belt around your suitcase will decrease the chances of it opening spontaneously.

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      Print your name and contact information on a label and stick it somewhere prominent. This information increases the odds of you getting your equipment back if you forget it at one of your gigs.

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