How do I Travel to Hawaii With a Dog?

Dog owners can have a troublesome time when traveling. If the vacation is to Hawaii, it becomes even more difficult due to a 120-day quarantine period set by the state. Fortunately the state also has a more lenient five-day-or-less quarantine program. As per this program your dog can travel to Hawaii if your dog has been in quarantine for a maximum of five days. However there are lots of constraints to this program and you need to plan well ahead.

Things You'll Need

  • Rabies vaccination report
  • Microchip
  • OIE-FAVN blood test report
  • AQS-278 Dog & Cat Import form
  • Money order / cashier's check for the requisite fee
  • Flight tickets
  • Crate
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      Go to Hawaii's pet checklist page (see Resources). Read through the checklist, take a printout and prepare for the same. You may need to start with this at least 4 to 6 months prior to your travel to Hawaii.

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      Take your dog to the vet and update your dog's rabies vaccine. Dogs need at least two rabies vaccines in their lifetime and these should be given at least 90 days apart. Plan your visits to the vet keeping your Hawaii travel timeline in mind.

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      Tell your vet to implant a microchip in your dog and give you the microchip number.

      The microchip should be in working condition. The chip will be scanned at the Hawaii airport.

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      Tell your vet to have the OIE-FAVN blood test done to test for rabies. A sample of blood will be sent to a testing facility. The result takes no less than 120 days to turn up because that is the time taken for rabies infection to show up in blood samples.

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      Book your tickets to Hawaii and also book a space for your dog on the same flight. Ask the airlines for guidelines on traveling with pets. Some factors include temperature restrictions that can affect your travel periods. Dogs can be carried as cargo separately or as baggage on your flight. Sort this out before going ahead. If the dog is to go as cargo you will need to get a crate ready. The airlines will provide an equipment list and types of acceptable crates. Remember to put in some shredded paper, food and water bowls and your dog's favorite mat.

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      Ask your vet for the dog's health certificate 14 days before your date of travel.

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      Print and have notarized the AQS-278 Dog & Cat Import form from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (see Resources). Attach your dog's health certificate and rabies vaccination records, cashier's check or money order for fees required by Hawaii (see Checklist in Resources) and send it to the Animal Quarantine Branch in Hawaii. These documents should arrive no less than 10 days before your travel date.

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