How to Compare Cruise Prices of Different Travel Agents

When you start shopping around for cruises, you won't want to accept the first price quoted to you by a travel agent. You are likely to find that different travel agents will not have the same exact pricing for cruises. You should compare the quotes of various travel agents to see who can get you the best deal on your cruise.


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      Plan to visit at least three travel agencies in order to make a good comparison on cruise prices. Some nationwide travel agencies you may choose to visit include Liberty Travel and AAA. It is a good idea to check prices at both larger agencies and smaller, local companies. A smaller company may be willing to work with you more on the price since it likely needs your business more. You can use an online travel agent locator tool such as to find the contact information for those operating in your area.

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      See what type of upgrades the travel agent can offer. You may be able to receive cabin upgrades or extra amenities from particular agents at no extra charge.

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      Ask for a bottom-line quote from the different travel agencies for the cruises you are interested in. This quote should include your airfare, cabin charges, port fees and any other charges you may be subject to. Ask for this quote in writing so that you can compare it to the other quotes you receive from the other cruise travel agents.

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      Check the prices available online for the cruise you are considering. After you have received the quotes from travel agents, run these numbers against online cruise-booking sites to see if you are getting a good deal on the trip. Some sites you may want to try include and

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