How to Compare Travel Clubs

If you travel frequently and want to travel at affordable costs, becoming a travel club member can be beneficial. Travel club membership offers numerous benefits, from vast destination options to savings on expenses associated with air-tickets, accommodation and food and drink. Whether Caribbean cruises or hunting trips to remote African areas, you get the opportunity to choose trips that you want. You also get to meet other travel lovers through travel clubs. It is however important to make a well-informed decision when it comes to choosing a travel club.


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      Decide the type of travel club you want to join. There are women-only travel clubs and clubs for individuals with disabilities. There are also sport-specific clubs such as golf travel clubs and those catering to singles. You also have travel clubs that cater to traveling needs arising out of professional purposes, doctors and teachers for example.

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      Look for realistic pricing when choosing travel clubs. It is better to go for travel clubs that ask for a one-time or annual membership fee. Do not choose clubs that offer vacation vouchers requiring hefty activation charges. Do not also fall into the trap of lower membership fee only to be squeezed later for substantial charges in the form of accommodation or other fees.

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      Check membership benefits. It is ideal to join a travel club that offers greater destination options as well as discounts not only on accommodations but also on airfare, cruises and auto rentals. Furthermore, the travel club should make it easier for you to plan and book your trip. Some travel clubs have online agents that answer your questions and help you plan your vacation before booking.

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      Compare travel clubs for the degree of flexibility they offer. Your job may be demanding and your vacation time may be unscheduled. Your travel club should be flexible to these requirements and have greater number of hotels and airlines registered with it to allow availability whenever you require it.

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      Verify the legitimacy of the travel clubs. Contact the Better Business Bureau and check about the club. Federal Trade Commission warns against free-trial memberships as you may end up paying unauthorized expenses on your credit card. Be aware of the club's membership cancellation and fee refund policies and have everything in writing.

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