How to Plan a Trip With Your Best Friend

How to Plan a Trip With Your Best Friend. Traveling with your best friend can be the journey of a lifetime, sharing your adventures and camaraderie as you explore exciting new places together. But the stresses of travel can bring out the worst in people as well, which can lead to arguing over lodging, money and who knows what else. Here are a few tips for a great trip that will end with your friendship still completely intact.


    • 1

      Take your time making the perfect plans. Planning the trip can actually be fun, discussing all the exciting possibilities of where to go and what to do, and you don't want to rush into a decision you might regret later.

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      Pick your spot carefully. It's key to find a place that will be equally enjoyable for both parties, and if you're meeting up with a remotely located friend, it's great to choose a locale that involves comparable travel for each of you. Be cautious about steering the direction of your plans-this should be a mutual decision that reflects both of your tastes and travel wants.

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      Be honest and realistic about your budgets. If you can only spend $50 a night for lodging, be upfront about it before you hit the road, and make sure to plan out how you'll be sharing all the various expenses-from transportation to food to lodging to attractions. Don't let your friendship be damaged over a financial matter, which can happen if you don't get on the same page before embarking.

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      In addition to budgeting, decide on the details of your transportation as well. For example, on a cross-country drive, how long should the driving shifts be? Or is one of you paying for gas and the other driving? Once again, these details shouldn't wait until you're on the road.

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      Put your pet peeves out on the table during the planning process, so any serious problems can be dealt with ahead of time. If one of you lights up a pack a day, for example, and the other can't stand smoke, you'll need to reach a solution that satisfies both sides.

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      Don't be afraid to do some things separately. Too much "together time" can lead to getting on each others' nerves, even with a close friend, so plan to take some breaks from each other now and then, especially on a longer trip.

    • 7

      Think of a way to record the trip for posterity. What fun to look back on the trip in 10 or 20 years, via a photo album, shared journal, video footage or all of the above.

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