How to Find a Dog-Friendly Hotel

Can't bear to take a vacation without your loving pet? It's not hard to find a hotel that will accommodate your needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Travel Guides
  • Dog Leashes


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      Consult pet Web sites. There are quite a few helpful sites that list dog-friendly hotels nationwide, and you can find them by conducting a search at a major search engine like Google or Yahoo.

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      Talk to friends, acquaintances and co-workers who have pets. They may be able to recommend resources for pet-friendly vacations, or perhaps they've traveled to your desired destination with their own pooches.

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      Go to your local bookstore and peruse the travel guides for your destination. You should be able to find a list of hotels that welcome dogs. Also, check with your auto club; AAA's accommodations books indicate whether pets are welcome at hotels.

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      Call the hotel ahead of time to get details. The establishment may only allow certain types of pets, and it may have a limited number of rooms set aside to accommodate them. Inquire about special pet services the hotel may offer, such as dog-walking areas and pet-sitting.

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      In addition to the room charge, be prepared to pay a deposit for the room and a pet fee, which could be as much as $50.

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