How to Plan a Trip With Another Couple

Like a double date, taking a small trip with another couple can be a nice way to bond with your friends, share common interests and expand your social circle beyond just your partner. There are some sensitivies, however, that come into play when you add a whole other couple to the places and plans that you're used to experiencing exclusively with your intimate partner. So keep personal preferences and patience in mind when you take your next trip with others.


    • 1

      Evaluate why you and your partner decided to plan a trip with the other couple. This will help you determine where you should go and what activities you should do.

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      Establish a destination. Factor in the weather, any relevant events that may be taking place, whether yourselves or the other couple have been to the location before, what types of activities the destination offers, how expensive the trip would be and how you would travel to your location.

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      Think about what you have in common with the other couple. If you met them in an American literature class, you could travel to the hometown of a famous writer and tour the area's history. If you met at the gym you could plan a outdoorsy vacation that includes rock climbing or mountain biking. If you're big movie buffs, you could visit Hollywood and take pictures in front of all of the famous theatres and landmarks.

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      Discuss with your partner the viable locations and activities that you're thinking of. It's important to get on the same page as your partner before involving the opinions and preferences of another couple in the planning stages. Be sure to ask him if he knows of any reason the pair wouldn't want to take this kind of trip or engage in these types of activities. Also, be sure that he is on board with the type of trip you're thinking about planning.

    • 5

      Contact the other couple about your ideas. Remember that you are still in the planning stages and that they may also have ideas about how they foresee the trip going. You're not telling them what the four of you are doing; you're running suggestions by them in order to agree on the ideal trip for both couples.

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      Explain to them what type of destination you were thinking of and why you thought that would make a great trip. Mention a few of the activities that the location offers and ask them what they think.

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      Decide together if any reservations need to be made, including airline tickets, rental cars, hotel rooms, tours and dinner plans.

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      Go to your local AAA or travel agent and gather some more information on the destination and the activities of the surrounding area. Bring this with you on the trip.

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