How to Find Cheap Airfare to Germany

Over 4,000 miles separates the United States from Germany. The flight to Germany from the U.S. is a long one and often times an expensive one. International flights are more expensive than domestic flights because of international travel fees added on to the price of airline tickets. If you want to fly to Germany, but you don't want to pay top dollar for your ticket, there are a few tips and tricks travel experts recommend using when searching for deals on airfare.


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      Compare airlines. Don't limit yourself to just one airline. Search the fares at multiple airlines to find the lowest possible price. By entering your travel dates, departure and arrival cities on a travel website such as Travelocity you will receive airfare prices for dozens of airlines with just one search.

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      Travel during the off-season. European countries such as Germany spend summers catering to millions of tourists, which is their busiest time of year. Hotels, airfare and activities are at their most expensive during the summer season in Germany. To find the cheapest airfare to Germany, consider traveling in the Spring, Fall or Winter seasons.

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      Purchase your ticket in advance, but not too far in advance. Airlines feature their lowest prices four months before departure dates. If you purchase your ticket earlier than four months before departure you will pay a mid-level price. If you wait until closer to your departure date to purchase you will find airlines prices go up consistently.

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      Allow yourself flexible travel dates. If your plan is to travel Sunday to Sunday, consider departing one day in earlier or later, which could save you hundreds of dollars on the cost of your tickets.

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      Buy your tickets early in the week. According to Rick Seaney, CEO of, airlines tend to sell tickets at sale prices earlier in the week and prices begin to rise towards the end of the week.

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