Find Cheap Air Fare

Airfare varies depending on several factors, including the airline, the company through which the flight was booked, travel dates, and booking time. Cheap airfare is available and can be obtained via a few different methods, depending on travelers' needs.

  1. Flexibility

    • Airlines and travel booking websites often charge less when passengers have flexible travel dates rather than exact dates on which they must travel. For instance, it may cost less to travel in the second week of September than the third. Search websites such as and using the flexible date search option to find the best price.

      Travel using connecting flights, which are less expensive than nonstop flights. Check round-trip airfare even if you are traveling one way, as some round-trip airfares cost less than a one-way ticket, especially on longer flights.


    • Travel mid-week rather than on weekends. Airfares generally are lowest Tuesday through Thursday, when fewer passengers are traveling.

      Avoid popular holiday travel dates. Airfare is at its highest on the days surrounding major holidays. For example, the Sunday after Thanksgiving maintains one of the highest passenger rates in America and is thus among the most expensive days to travel. Save by flying on Saturday or Monday instead.

      Book domestic flights at least two weeks prior to the travel date to ensure a lower price. International flights should be booked at least one month prior to departure. Go to to track the pricing trends and estimate when airfare will be at its lowest within the next 30 days. When flights do not fill up, airfare bargains are available on short notice via most travel sources and airline websites.

    Competitive Pricing

    • Search multiple sources including travel-booking websites, airline websites, and price monitoring websites such as to find the best deal possible, as no one source lists every airline. Pay special attention to the taxes and fees listed by each source. If prices are similar, consider booking directly with the airline to avoid unnecessary fees.

      Take advantage of "discount airlines," such as Southwest, JetBlue, AirTran and Spirit, which offer coach flights in a minimalist setting at a fraction of the price offered by major airlines. Many airlines and travel websites offer discounts especially for families, students and senior citizens. Search for any discounts before booking.

      If airfare drops after a flight has been booked, call the airline or travel-booking website and ask for a refund of the difference. Some companies will give refunds if travelers request them, depending on the flight and their policies.

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