Tips on Scheduling a Cheap Flight

Scheduling a cheap flight needs research, organization and planning. The effort is worthwhile if you can secure a cheap trip and free up more spending money. If you use the correct Internet tools and are proactive in searching the best deals, you should be able to find cheap flights to most destinations.
  1. When to Book

    • Book flights early if you have a set date to fly. Most airlines make the cheapest seats available first and prices rise nearer to departure date. If you are flying at short notice, try calling airlines or flight brokers directly to negotiate a cheap price on unsold seats.

    Fly Off Peak

    • Fly midweek and in the middle of the day if possible. Peak times and Fridays to Mondays are more popular flight times, so are usually more expensive. Avoid flying during busy holiday periods.

    Internet Resources

    • Use price comparison websites such as Cheap Tickets and Skyscanner to check for the lowest fares. Be flexible and look for flights to cities within reach of your destination. Flying nearby and completing your journey by car or train may work out the cheapest. Also try the Bing Travel website. This analyzes airline prices daily and advises whether to book now or wait for a predicted price drop.

    Sales and Promotions

    • Check airline websites for sales and promotions. Long haul carriers offer large discounts when it has sales, while budget European airlines such as Ryanair promote regular sales when you can book flights for just a few euros. Travel sections in newspapers are another good source of information about promotions.

    Location Specialists

    • Look for specialist travel agents. Campus travel companies can find cheap fares for students, while flight brokers that cater to particular ethnic communities can find bargain flights to certain destinations.

    Avoid Extra Costs

    • Check for hidden extras when booking online. Some airlines require that you check or uncheck boxes to remove options such as flight insurance or in-flight meals. Also make sure that you pay for the correct number of bags. If possible travel with carry-on luggage only.

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