Cheap European Travel Packages

Package deals can be a great way to save on trips to Europe. Hotels and airlines will often provide travel agents with discounts for booking both at the same time and tour companies can frequently access the same deals and provide you with an escorted trip. Off-season travel is usually the cheapest, look for packages between November and March, excluding holidays, as Christmas and New Years are heavily traveled periods.
  1. Gate 1 Travel

    • Gate 1 Travel offers an eight-day rail trip between Brussels, Belgium and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As of September 2010, prices for this trip between November and March are around $1,000 USD, not including the holidays. The package includes flights between New York City and Europe, with other departure cities available, six nights of accommodations, First Class rail passes and breakfast daily. Governmental taxes are not included in the price of the package. Optional guided tours are available for purchase, including bus tours of Amsterdam and Brussels.

      Gate 1 Travel

      455 Maryland Drive

      Ft. Washington, PA 19034


    Virgin Vacations

    • Virgin Vacations is a sister company to Virgin Atlantic Airlines and provides vacation packages to numerous European cities. Among the travel packages they offer is a multi-city vacation that includes Budapest, Vienna and Prague. This six-night package includes round trip airfare, two night hotel stays in each city, second class rail tickets between the cities and breakfast each morning. As of September 2010, it is priced at just over $1,000 USD, not including taxes, through March 2011. Hotel upgrades and city tours are available for purchase.

      Virgin Vacations

      3303 Monte Villa Parkway

      Suite 200

      Bothell, WA 98021

      888-658-4744 Travel

    • This company offers a seven-night vacation package that includes London, Paris and Rome for just over $1,100 USD as of September 2010. The package includes two-night accommodations in each city, breakfast each morning, second class rail tickets and a second class overnight rail trip from Paris to Rome. Hotel upgrades are available and range between $80 and $860 USD. Sightseeing tours in each city are available for purchase.

      3303 Monte Villa Parkway

      Suite 200

      Bothell, WA 98021


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