How to Find Cheap Hotels in Freetown, Sierra Leone

How to Find Cheap Hotels in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Freetown is the capital city of Sierra Leone, a West African country bordering Liberia and Guinea. The city is far from being a popular tourist destination, but its residents are generally friendly to travelers and the bustling marketplaces can be interesting to explore.

Things You'll Need

  • An international immunization card
  • A valid visa
  • A computer with Internet access
  • A valid passport
  • Yellow fever vaccination


  1. Know Your Destination

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      Shop for precious items. Freetown, Sierra Leone is known for its diamonds and gold.

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      Exchange your U.S. dollars for Leones. The exchange rate varies, but is roughly 3 Ln for 1 U.S. dollar.

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      Get out and explore. Sierra Leone is a small country, so it's possible to use Freetown as a base as you travel around to different sites. Surrounding points of interest include Mt Bintumani, Outamba-Kilimi National Park and the Banana Islands.

    Transportation to and from Freetown, Sierra Leone

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      Get a little air under your wings and fly to Freetown, Sierra Leone. The closest international airport to Freetown is the Freetown International Airport.

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      Use a bush taxi or bus to get to and from your accommodations. Minibuses in Sierra Leone are called poda-podas, and provide service within the city as well as to most major towns.

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      Move over to the passenger's seat. If you rent a car in Sierra Leone, it almost always comes with a private driver. But while this is undoubtedly the most convenient way to get around, it's not necessarily cheap.

    Lodging in and Around Freetown, Sierra Leone

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      Find cheap accommodations by booking ahead. Because there are a limited number of hotel rooms available in Freetown, you will want to reserve your rooms well in advance. To book accommodations, contact National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone at 011 (+232) 22 236620 or visit their Web site (see Resources, below).

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      Venture outside of Freetown for cheap accommodations on the beautiful nearby beaches.

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      Stay on the nearby Banana Islands, which are just off the coast of Freetown. They offer fantastic snorkeling and an opportunity to explore historical sites, such as a 19th-century church.

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