How to Find Cheap Hotels in Puerto Rico

How to Find Cheap Hotels in Puerto Rico. Americans vacationing in the United States territory of Puerto Rico tend to sing its praises. With cities, beaches and rainforests, the terrain of Puerto Rico is diverse, and just as diverse are the choices of cheap accommodations for the budget traveler.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access


  1. Choose Your Accommodations in Puerto Rico

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      Book your hotel through Puerto Rico Tourism & Travel by calling toll-free at (800) 866-7827. You can also visit the Web site (see Resources below).

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      Look for deals on hotel stays in the San Juan area. Check the Internet and call accommodations about special rates and packages. With the right timing, a beautiful beachfront resort property can be rented for a relatively cheap price.

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      Determine which part of the territory is most appealing to you. For those interested in seeing the most popular tourist destinations, consider staying in the East/Northeast in San Juan or Luquillo. If the refuge of the rainforest is more appealing, try the west coast of Puerto Rico in a city such as Rincon.

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      Keep your budget in mind while looking at locations. Generally speaking, West Puerto Rico has fewer tourists and usually has more cheap accommodations available. However, guesthouses and hostels are an economical alternative to hotel stay in San Juan.

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      Experience the magic of the countryside without paying an arm and leg for accommodations. The El Yunque Rainforest region has nice, but very expensive, private inns. However, budget cabins can be rented for around $35 a night in the same general area.

    Know Your Destination

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      Book far enough in advance to get what you want. Lodging facilities fill up quickly, especially during peak tourist season. Consider staying during the off-season of May through November.

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      Learn about Puerto Rico's history. Explorer Ponce de Leon began the settlement in San Juan in 1508. You can find a variety of historical sites that celebrate the island's past.

    Discover Points of Interest in Puerto Rico

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      Walk the cobblestone streets of Old San Juan-an area 465 years old.

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      See San Juan's sister forts of El Morro and Castillo de San Cristobal.

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