How to Extend an Australian Working Visa

If your visa expires while working in Australia, the government categorizes you as an "overstayer." It is important to take the appropriate steps to ensure this does not happen. As the Australian government states, "Working in Australia is a privilege, not a right." To ensure friendly business relations between your company and this country, extending your working visa will allow the two parties to work in peace until the job is effectively completed.


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      Determine the expiration date of your current work visa and the time needed to complete your current work assignment. Once this is assessed, you will have a better idea of which visa to apply for and how long you will need to prolong your stay. Research the varieties of visas so you understand your options when speaking with a government official.

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      Contact the Community Status Resolution Service (CSRS). The CSRS exists to provide support for those unsure or needing resolution on their current immigration status. The department usually works with those who need a temporary extension, enough time to complete their current assignment and make travel preparations to return home.

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      Apply for a bridging visa and make final preparations to return home. The CSRS encourages non-citizens to make travel preparations while waiting for the bridging visa to be accepted. The bridging E visa (BVE) grants the applicant time to apply for a temporary or permanent visa or extension on their current visa, known as a substantive visa. If the extension is not immediately granted, the Australian government encourages people to return home and go through the process to gain a working visa again. Leaving without argument will make the process to attain another visa much easier.

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