Your Benefits Under a Canadian Work Permit

Foreign workers need a work permit to work in Canada. The work permit guarantees you rights under Canadian employment and safety regulations. If you do not get a work permit, or you allow it to expire, you have no rights and are considered to be working illegally.
  1. Types

    • Work permits include the type of work you are permitted to do, where you can do it, how long you can work and who you can work for. If you have a live-in-caregiver permit, you cannot work on an oil pipeline.


    • Aside from tracking foreign persons working in Canada, the work permit guarantees that you will be paid for your work, your work will be safe and your passport and permit can't be taken away from you.


    • When applying to work in Canada, note that federal labor and employment laws cover banks, inter-province transport, government jobs and businesses owned and run by the government. Other jobs are covered by provincial and territorial laws, which can vary by territory and province.


    • If you are a contract employee, do not lose your copy of the contract. If you have a disagreement with your employer about your work, the contract will be the only thing that can settle your dispute with Canadian authorities.


    • The work permit gives you specific rights including number of hours you work, your pay, dismissal, housing if you are a live-in caregiver, the right to refuse dangerous work and what happens if you are injured at work. It also gives you the right to file a complaint with the appropriate governmental body that handles your particular problem.

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