Travel Cruises of the Nile

The Nile River is the longest river in the world. It not only spans the entire country of Egypt, it defines Egypt. Egyptian culture was born because of the Nile. On a Nile cruise you may visit the ancient temples and tombs of Upper Egypt. In addition, you can view Egyptian rural life from your "floating hotel," as you pass mud brick homes, farmers tending fields with wooden plows and transporting goods on donkeys.

Whether you want to cruise on the restored steamship Sudan, built at the dawn of the 20th century, or enjoy the amenities of a modern luxury steam liner, there is a Nile cruise for you.
  1. Steam Ship Sudan Egypte

    • Travel on a ship like the one in "Death on the Nile."

      The restored steamship Sudan still cruises the Nile. France gifted the ship to King Fouad in 1885. The Sudan is the ship used in the Hollywood film of Agatha Christie's "Death on the Nile."

      In the days of the Belle Époque travelers, the cruises were 20 days long. Now cruises are much shorter. The Sudan features two cruises from Luxor to Aswan that view all the sites of Upper Egypt. One cruise is five days and four nights; the other is four days and three nights. There is a link to an email for reservations and information.

      Steam Ship Sudan Egypte

    Luxury River Cruises

    • Travel to ancient Egyptian temples in luxury. has cruises of various lengths from Luxor to Aswan. The number of days determines the sightseeing trips. The company advertises a four-day and three-night cruise from Luxor to Aswan as well as an eight-day and seven-night cruise.

      The two-week cruises go north into Dendra and include trips to Cairo and the Pyramids. The cruises are on five-star luxury ships with appropriate accommodations. The high season is from October to mid-April. The locks are closed from April to October due to low water levels, and the weather is extremely hot at this time.

      Mr. Esmat Azmy



      +2010-104-3006 24-hour mobile

      [email protected]

      [email protected]

      [email protected]

    Nile Adventure Cruises

    • Take a side trip in a felluca. has cruises from Aswan to Luxor that range from four days and three nights to an eight-day and seven-night cruise. One cruise has a sailing trip on a felluca (Egyptian sailboat) to Elephantine Island. All cruises are on ships with a five-star deluxe hotel rating. The company also advertises multilingual Egyptologist guides for all day trips.

      Nile Adventure Cruises

      4119 Adrian St.

      Lubbock, TX


    Road to Egypt

    • Travel from Luxor to Aswan. offers cruises from Aswan to Luxor. The cruises are either five days and four nights or four days and three nights. You may select from three different packages based on the type of accommodations preferred. The packages are first class, deluxe or premium. The deluxe package offers an eight-day seven-night cruise with more sightseeing opportunities available.

      Toronto Sales Office

      Road to Egypt

      165 Avenue Road

      Toronto, Ontario

      Canada MSR 3S4


      [email protected]

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