How to Plan an Unusual Honeymoon

The wedding's over and the honeymoon's about to start. Many newlyweds choose traditional honeymoon destinations such as popular tourist attractions or small islands in some blue-green lagoon. Perhaps you want something different for your honeymoon. Here's how to plan an unusual honeymoon.


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      Determine both your interests. Write down a list of things you both enjoy separately and together. See if some unusual combination presents itself. For example, if she likes rock climbing and he likes art, visit a city known for its wall graffiti.

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      Set a budget. If the budget is not a problem, then you have lots more options, but if you are on a tight budget, you'll need to plan events that are free or very inexpensive. Camp in a national park. Hike in the mountains. Visit a museum.

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      Take risks. Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef. Swim with sharks together. Sign up to be volunteer fire fighters and fight a wildfire together. Think outside the box.

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      Plan a chat room honeymoon. Start a virtual honeymoon. Make it as natural, exciting and real as possible. Invite others to help you set the mood.

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      Ask friends and family to take part in the unusual honeymoon. Traditionally the honeymoon is only for the newlyweds, but it's alright but to include the family members that you're close to. This choice has to be a mutual decision, however. Use this time to enjoy each other's families.

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      Try a home honeymoon. Decorate the house with a theme such as a tropical paradise to simulate a traditional honeymoon. Enjoy each other's company. Assign decorating duties to friends or family, determine your budget and let them surprise you with a romantic atmosphere for your unusual honeymoon. Make sure someone purchases and scatters rose petals on the bed for a special romantic treat.

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      Use your imagination. It's your wedding and your honeymoon and there's no rules. Decide together what you'd like to do and where you want to go.

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