How to Be a Hermit

Whether you are inspired by Thoreau, or want to learn how to live like a religious monk, deciding to be a hermit is life-altering. Living a life of solitude is not for everyone, but many people have found it fulfilling.


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      Get away. Move to a remote area, with a cabin or home already built, or build one yourself. Thoreau chose to build his own cabin, but this is not a necessity. The point is to find a place away from civilization.

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      Remove all clutter. Cleanse your life of meaningless possessions. The point of being a hermit is to live the simplest life possible. This means that you will have to part with your laptop, cell phone, MP3 player and other technological gadgets.

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      Become one with nature. The best way to survive as a hermit is to live off the land. Start a garden or hunt. Being a hunter-gatherer will be a different lifestyle than most Americans are used to, but the rewards can be great.

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      Keep yourself company. By writing or simply being. You must learn to be your own best friend. Hermits usually have no one to talk to but the birds.

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      Plan ahead. If you are only becoming a hermit for a short time, let your friends and family know that you will return to civilization soon. This may ease some of their fears and decrease the chances they'll disturb your solitude.

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