How to Avoid a Broken Heart While Traveling

A romantic entanglement with a local can give you an intimate look at another culture, and getting involved with a fellow traveler can provide welcome companionship. Avoid heartbreak by keeping your expectations realistic and being sensitive to cultural mores.

Things You'll Need

  • Blank-inside Greeting Cards
  • Condoms With Spermicide
  • E-mail Accounts
  • Telephone Calling Cards
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      Keep your expectations of the new romance in check. The possibilities for communication and intimacy may seem endless while the wine is flowing and tropical breezes are blowing, but both of you have lives beyond your vacation.

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      Understand the cultural meaning your romantic partner brings to sex before becoming sexually involved. In some cultures, sexual intimacy means engagement to marry; a fling to you might mean a broken heart to another.

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      Don't assume because your romantic partner is from a traditional culture that he or she expects to have a traditional relationship with you. Your partner may have assumptions about your sexual availability that make flirtation with you desirable, but marriage out of the question.

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      Talk with a fellow traveler or a local resident from your home country if things become confusing. This may provide you with some much-needed perspective.

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      Stay in touch with friends and loved ones back home as you become immersed in a new relationship. Letters, e-mail and phone calls home will help you remember the values, culture and life you will be returning to.

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