Mayan Ruins Tourism

There are five Mayan nations which have joined together to create a regional tourism plan called Mundo Maya. This program promotes the environmentally sensitive tourism of Tabasco, Campeche, Chiapas, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. Tourism in these areas offer tours of the ruins, rural areas and historical sites.
  1. Quintana Roo

    • The Mayan ruins in Quintana Roo offers some popular ruins, including the Coba ruins, a large ancient Mayan city. Other ruins in Quintana include those in Tulum and Chichen Itza. Only the high traffic areas of these ruins have been restored. The Chichen Itza ruins are the most popular Mayan ruins visited in the area.

    Palenque Ruins

    • Located in Chiapas, the Palenque ruins, offer tourists an out of the way ruins near Quintana Roo on the top of a plateau. Two of the largest and more popular ruins in this area are the Temple of the Inscriptions and the Palace. There are four levels of ancient history to explore.


    • Located south of Merida in Yucatan are the Uxmal ruins, which are some of the more uniquely hand carved Mayan ruins. There are smaller ruins in the area, including some of which are out of the way and less visited. Tourists can also explore the Celestun Reserve while in the area.

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