How to Move to Australia with Teenagers

Moving to another country can be both exciting and intimidating. Australia maintains a strict border, and its immigration process can take a long time and involve complex requirements. When you are taking teenagers or younger minors with you, you will have to fulfill extra requirements and go through extra processes. To save yourself frustration, do proper research so you know exactly what to do and you don't leave out any important step.


  1. Children

    • 1

      Check that you fulfill the eligibility requirements for a permanent resident visa, and that you can add your teenage children as secondary applicants in your application. Dependent children have to be under 18 and unmarried. If the children have turned 18, they have to wholly or substantially depend on you for their basic needs.

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      Fill out the immigration forms and collect the necessary supporting documents. You have to provide evidence that the teenagers are your or your partner's children or stepchildren, which can be in the form of birth certificates or adoption papers. If you are moving with your stepchildren or the other parent of your children is not moving to Australia with you, you have to provide legal proof that you are responsible for them and you can take them to Australia.

    • 3

      Pay the charges for your visa application.

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      Submit your application, along with the documents for the teenagers, to an Australian visa office.

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      Provide extra documents when requested. You will have to provide proof of health and character for yourself and the teenagers. If the teenager is 18 years of age or older, she has to prove a certain level of English ability, and might have to sit for an English language test. If she does not meet this requirement, you will have to pay an extra fee to cover the costs of her English language tuition in Australia.

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      Enroll the teenagers in school or university when you get to Australia. By law, children up to 15 years old have to attend school. For yourself, you will also have to get documents such as Tax File Number (TFN), Medicare, bank account, driver's license.


    • 7

      Check that you fulfill the eligibility requirements for a permanent resident visa, and that you can add your teenage relatives as secondary applicants in your application. To move with you, they have to not have other relatives who can take care of them in their own country. Also, they have to either be unmarried or depend on your support for their basic needs.

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      Fill out immigration forms and gather all supporting documents for your application. Include the teenage relatives' birth certificates and proof of their relationship to you. You also have to provide proof that they lived in your household and depended on you for at least the previous 12 months. If the teenager is 18 years or over, you have to complete form 47A and send it by post.

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      Follow the same steps as with your own teenage children, from paying the charges onward. While the criteria and requirements for children and relatives differ, you need to go through the same process.

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