How to Swim With Dolphins in Eastern Australia

Eastern Australia is a beautiful region that offers residents and visitors a not-so-common perk: the ability to swim and interact with the numerous wild dolphins that live in the coastal waters. It is recommended that you do this by using one of the area's dolphin swimming, dolphin cruise or dolphin excursion services instead of trying to swim with the dolphins on your own. Do the latter only if you are an expert at swimming and dealing with marine wildlife.

Things You'll Need

  • Snorkeling mask
  • Wet suit
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      Travel to an Eastern Australia town such as Brisbane, Sidney or Forster. Make sure to travel in ideal dolphin swimming conditions, which usually occur between the months of May and October in Australia.

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      Contact one of the many cruise providers that offer a dolphin cruise, dolphin excursion or swimming with dolphins cruise. Examples of these providers include Swim With Dolphins, Dive Forster and Dolphin Wild.

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      Book a dolphin cruise and go out to sea with the cruise provider. The provider generally will rent out snorkeling gear such as a mask and wet suit, but if you have your own equipment you are allowed to bring it onboard.

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      Follow the instructions given to you by your travel guide, as these will help ensure your safety and the safety of the dolphins. Do not do anything to startle or scare the dolphins, such as making loud noises or sudden and violent movements.

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