How to Swim with Pink Dolphins

Yes, there really are pink dolphins that freely swim in this world. There are even thriving businesses that cater to the interested travelers wishing to swim with these exotic animals. Whether you travel to the Amazon region or Thailand, there are interactive pink dolphin sanctuaries waiting for you.


  1. Things to Know Before You Swim

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      Remove all jewelry, glasses, anything in your pockets, and any zippers on your clothing. The dolphins' skin can be scratched and hurt easily, so remove anything that may harm the animals.

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      Hire a pink dolphin expert. There are several organizations that are in the business of preserving and conserving these unique animals. They supplement their income with dolphin expeditions and educational experiences. Ask your travel agent questions about the dolphin tour guides before arriving.

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      Trim toe and fingernails. Keep the dolphins safe and cut-free by being prepared to meet this mythical creature.

    Where to Swim With Dolphins

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      Swim with pink dolphins in Thailand. Visit Oasis Sea World in Chanthaburi, Thailand to get started. You can contact the park at (039) 363-239 for more information.

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      Find pink dolphins in Peru on the Amazon River. In Peru, the dolphins are referred to as bufeo Colorado. Several local groups offer this experience, but the most commonly recognized local is the International Society for the Preservation of the Tropical Rainforest. Stay at the lodge, Dolphin Corners, in Yarapa, Peru for this adventure. There are several other activities involved and the lodging, meals, and sightseeing ranges from $500 to $1500 per person depending on the nights reserved.

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      Visit the pink dolphins at other nature preserves and conservation areas around the world. Many of the dolphins are river dolphins and are best suited for their natural habitat in the rivers. However, different organizations from time to time rescue the pink dolphin and put them on display for local enjoyment and education. Contact your local marine rescue organization for the latest details.

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