How to Swim With Wild Dolphins in Hawaii

If you are visiting Hawaii, chances are you will explore the island's beaches and waters, which are home to sea-life, including dolphins and whales. Many hotels and aquatic centers offer the opportunity to swim with domesticated dolphins in tanks. However, if you desire to swim with wild dolphins, signing up with a dolphin/specialty tour will allow you to snorkel with wild dolphins in the open seas.Get the most out of your dolphin encounter by planning ahead.

Things You'll Need

  • snorkel mask
  • swim suit
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      Book a dolphin tour. Read information on various dolphin tours offered in Hawaii through the Internet or brochures obtained from your hotel. Call each tour company you are considering and ask what the length of the tour is, cost, the types of sea animals they expect to encounter, and the likelihood you will swim with wild dolphins.

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      Meet your tour. Promptly meet with your tour group at the designated location. Be sure to bring money to pay for your tour, as well as snorkel gear, if the company does not provide it. Once on board, remain vigilant of dolphins.

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      Prepare to snorkel. Place your snorkel mask over your face and move towards the edge of the boat when it is safe. Keep an eye on the dolphin or pod you are hoping to swim with so you dive in the right area.

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      Wait for the boat operator to turn the motor off. Jump feet first into the water.

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      Gauge the dolphins' reaction to you. Swim alongside the dolphins as they play in their natural habitat . Some will engage with you and others may not. Do not try to force them to swim with you, instead wait for them to approach or swim near you.

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