Traffic Laws in Puerto Rico

American tourists in Puerto Rico can operate a motor vehicle with an American driver's license for up to 120 days. However, before driving in Puerto Rico, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with specific Puerto Rican traffic laws so as to ensure that you navigate your vehicle safely.
  1. Speed

    • To many American tourists, drivers in Puerto Rico may appear to be more reckless and dangerous when compared to what you are accustomed to dealing with at home. In most locations in Puerto Rico, the maximum speed limit is 55 MPH, but just as in the United States, most drivers do not strictly adhere to the posted speed limit. However, Puerto Rican police strictly enforce speed limits in some popular areas, especially on the weekends. Puerto Rico has also some highways where drivers can drive up to 65 MPH.

    Traffic Lights

    • As in many American cities, drivers can turn right on a red light in Puerto Rico if traffic permits. In some areas, like in San Juan, there will be signs forbidding right turns on red. However, there is a law in Puerto Rico that allows drivers to pass through red lights between midnight and five in the morning. This law was enacted during these late hours to prevent robberies that may occur. During this time, these lights should be treated like stop signs.

    Other Laws

    • Seat belts must be worn at all times by passengers in Puerto Rico. If pulled over by the police, you will be fined for not wearing your seat belt. In the capital of San Juan, the left lane is often reserved for buses only. You are not permitted to drive in this lane. The buses that use these lanes also travel in the opposite direction from the rest of the traffic, making use of these lanes very dangerous.

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