How to Plan a Trip to Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has long been one of the Caribbean's hottest destinations for its sparkling beaches, wild jungles, Spanish forts and unique island flavor. Due to its proximity to and accessibility from the U.S. mainland, it receives plane-loads of package vacationers and boatloads of cruise passengers each year. Whether you hope to laze your vacation away on one of Puerto Rico's white sandy beaches or explore the forests, mountains and villages beyond the shore, planning a trip to Puerto can be as easy as you want it to be.

Things You'll Need

  • Government photo IS (US citizens)
  • Passport (non-US citizens)
  • Hiking boots
  • Bathing suit
  • Sunblock
  • Sunglasses
  • Sandals
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      Choose your dates. With steady year-round temperatures of around 80°F, visitors can count on plenty of sun and warm weather at any time of the year. High season, which entails fully booked hotels, generally crowded beaches, the highest prices, the majority of colorful festivals and the widest array of services offered, lasts from December to April. The tourist low season lasts from May to November, roughly the same span as the regional hurricane season. In this period, travelers can often find better deals and near empty tourist sites but fewer services offered.

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      Scout out great deals. Visit TourScan Inc, Caribbean-On-Line, or Puerto Rico Tours for upcoming offers on hotels, flights, tours and even low-cost, all-inclusive trips. Although independent travel in Puerto Rico is quite easy, fierce competition among Puerto Rican travel agencies mean that travelers can often save significantly on the cost of accommodation, entertainment, food and transportation when opting for package tours.

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      Get your documents. For U.S. citizens, this means nothing more than a valid driver's license, or any other form of state-issued photo ID, in order to board your plane. For all non U.S. citizens, a passport is required, as well as a visa when applicable.

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      Get there. Puerto Rico is easily reached via the regional air hub of San Juan, with heaps of connections to the continental US, Canada, the Caribbean, and Europe. As San Juan is one of the world's premier cruise ports, cruise lines also connect vacationers with Puerto Rico, but only for as long as their shore visit lasts.

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      Get around. Puerto Rico has a severely limited public transportation network. Car rental is a highly practical option for visitors wishing to truly explore the island, offering scenic drives and the freedom to reach remote beaches and mountain villages. Alternatively, minibuses offer cheap connections between all of the island's major towns, with routes beginning near each town's main plaza.

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