How to Dine in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico provides a natural ambiance and diversity of gastronomic delights that reflect its rich history. Its local cuisine, called "comida críolla," is a combination of Taíno Indian, Spanish and African heritage with Caribbean, Asian and Creole influences. To dine in Puerto Rico, you must be prepared for a cultural and culinary journey. Read on to learn more.


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      Eat a big breakfast. A traditional Puerto Rican breakfast is a hearty meal that usually includes: juice, chocolate caliente (hot chocolate), fresh tropical fruits, eggs with beef, fried or sautéed plantains and toasted pan de agua (local bread). Don't worry about waking early. Breakfast is a leisurely affair served through noon.

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      Say yes to the soup. Lunch and dinner in Puerto Rico generally begin with a wide assortment of flavorful soups, including stew and gumbos (known as asopao), often accompanied by appetizers of meat pies. Most soups and stews, along with other dishes, are made from "sofrito," a sautéed mixture made of coriander, garlic, onion, sweet pepper, oregano and tomato puree.

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      Revel in roasted vegetables. Plaintains and yams are part of almost every typical Puerto Rican meal. They are served fried, sautéed, mashed and mixed with salsa, rice and beans.

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      Crack open a Caribbean lobster. They're sweeter than Maine lobsters and are a common delicacy in Puerto Rico, along with dolphin and red snapper.

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      Leave room for desert. A delicious local favorite is flan-a pudding and fruit paste served with a native white cheese and a sampling of exotic fresh fruit such as papaya, mango, guanabana and parcha.

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      Don't forget Puerto Rico's famous coffee. The island's Alto Grande coffee is considered among the world's best and is served strong and black.

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      Look for the Mesónes gastronómicos sticker to be assured of quality, local fare. Mesónes gastronómicos is a group of restaurants who are certified by the government for striving to protect, maintain and promote the island's unique local cuisine. Over 40 restaurants in and outside of San Juan have been selected to display the green Mesónes gastronómicos sticker for offering quality local specialties at reasonable prices.

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