How to Fly to Cuba

For more than 40 years, the United States and Cuba have had a precarious relationship and history. In 1961, the U.S. imposed economic sanctions onto Cuba, and an embargo followed shortly thereafter. Since then, U.S. travel to Cuba has been restricted and complicated. Cuba welcomes American travelers and tourists with open arms, but the U.S. is not so keen on sharing the love. Despite such restrictions, thousands of Americans manage to travel safely to Cuba every year.

Things You'll Need

  • Visa
  • License
  • Passport
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      Apply for a visa through the Cuban Interest Section in Washington D.C, if you have a license to travel to Cuba. If you do not have a license, you many obtain a visa through a certified travel agency or at any airport counter outside the U.S. that offers flights to Cuba.

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      Contact an OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) designated travel agent to book a direct plane departure to Cuba. These are charter flights that depart from Miami and New York. This is an option if you are traveling without a license. Online booking agents such as Hotwire do not offer direct flights to Cuba. Currently there are only 150 American travel agencies allowed to do so. If you have a license, you can fly directly to Cuba from any authorized airport.

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      Connect through a third country if you do not wish you go through the OFAC. You can fly from the U.S. to Mexico, then from Mexico to Cuba.

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      Prepare to spend less than $180 a day on lodging, food and transportation. There are travel agencies like that are authorized to sell trips to Cuba and can help plan your trip to meet all regulations.

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