EU Tourism Grants

The European Union (EU) has 27 member states as of 2010. Together, they make up the world's largest trading group of states in terms of combined wealth. One major policy is to make member states more wealthy. The EU uses grants administered by the European Commission, the EU's executive body, to help boost prosperity. Tourism is seen as an important economic sector. Grants are available to member states, businesses and organizations involved in tourism.
  1. Knowledge Network Grants

    • EU policy says universities and regional authorities conduct valuable research work, essential for building tourism. An EU "Knowledge Networks" grant scheme offers funds for such studies. Applicants must prove their research would help the "competitiveness and sustainability of European tourism." The European Commission awards grants based on proposals made. Applicants must prove their projects will help keep Europe as a popular tourist destination.

      European Commission

      Enterprise and Industry DG

      Communication and Information Unit R4

      BREY 13/092

      B - 1049 Brussels


      00-800-67891011 (toll-free number open from within EU only)

    Calypso Program

    • People from all levels of society should be able to enjoy holidays, according to EU policy. The EU calls this "social tourism." The Calypso Program gives grants to member states who are then required to spend it on exchange holidays for "disadvantaged" groups such as the elderly, families in "difficult social circumstances" and the disabled. Calypso was set up as a three-year rolling program to run from 2009 to 2011 but, as of 2010, EU policy is to keep it running beyond that, with its budget of one million Euros each year.

      European Commission

      Enterprise and Industry DG

      Communication and Information Unit R4

      BREY 13/092

      B - 1049 Brussels


      00-800-67891011 (toll-free number open from within EU only)

    Structural Funds

    • The EU has "structural funds" to help tourism in less-well developed parts of the Union. Grants are offered to small and medium sized businesses, as well as public organizations. Applicants must show they will use money in a way that helps infrastructure and training for workers in tourism projects. Grants are open to a wide range of schemes, with priority given to applications from areas with high unemployment. Hotels can upgrade rooms with grants. Small tourism businesses can apply for money to spend on marketing. Grants are given to public bodies to invest in schemes such as museum refurbishment, bicycle path upgrades and signposting. The EU urges people to take time with applications, describing its own procedures as a "subsidy maze."

      European Commission

      Enterprise and Industry DG

      Communication and Information Unit R4

      BREY 13/092

      B - 1049 Brussels


      00-800-67891011 (toll-free number open from within EU only)

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