How to Enjoy a Day Trip to Naples

If you are vacationing in Italy, you simply must take a day trip to Naples. Naples is known as Italy's most controversial city because people either love it or hate it. Naples is a little bit more boisterous than the rest of Italy, and the city's Italian charm will keep you on your toes. Spending a day in Naples will add excitement to your Italian vacation.


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      Take in a view of the city. There is a 360-degree view of Naples and its bay at the star shaped Castel Sant'Elmo.

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      View one of Europe's most precious archaeological collections at Museo Archeologico Nationale. Be sure to view the mosaics and sculptures that were unearthed at Pompeii and Herculaneum.

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      Order a margherita pizza from the most historic pizzeria in Italy, Pizzaria Brandi. It was at this pizzeria that the tomato, basil, olive oil and mozzarella pizza was invented to please Margherita di Savoi, an Italian queen in the nineteenth century.

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      Pick up souvenirs. Purchase a beautiful coral piece from a shop in Piazza dei Martiri.

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      Visit the Museo e Gallerie Nazionale di Capodimonte. One of the gallery's greatest treasures is Simone Martini's "Coronation."

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      Observe the Neapolitan people every chance you get. You'll find everyone from the characteristic Italian woman to the mafia look-a-like.

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