Excursions in Merida, Mexico

The capital city of Merida can be found on the tip of the Yucatan Peninsula in the State of Yucatan. Sometimes called the "White City" due to all the limestone found throughout the city, Merida has evolved a unique culture that stands apart in Mexico. With a rich cultural history, pleasing climate and warm friendly people, a trip to Merida offers many opportunity to explore both the city itself and the surrounding area.
  1. Merida City Tour

    • The Merida City Tour will take you through the history of Merida with a number of interesting and informative stops along the way. Take a tour and a taste of the liquors produced at the Hacienda Vista Alegre and then have lunch and a dip in the pool at a colonial mansion. Visit the oldest cathedral in the Americas, view the incredible murals at the Palcio del Gobierno and take a step back in time at Merida's Anthropology Museum

      Yucatan Discovery Tours
      Calle 54 #476 X 55 & 57
      Col. Centro C.P. 97000,
      Merida Yucatan Mexico

    Ruta Puuc

    • Located 50 miles south of Merida you will find the Ruta Puuc which will take you through ancient Mayan towns and ruins. Your tour starts at the Loltun Caves with stops at Uxmal, Sayil, Labna and ending at Xlapac. Explore ancient Myan architectural sites and study the artwork of these fascinating people. Transportation from your hotel and lunch are included.

      Mayan Ecotours
      Calle 80 No. 561 x 13-1
      Col. Residencial Pensiones 6a Etapa
      C.P. 97217
      Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

    Celestun Biosphere Reserve

    • Just 56 miles west of Merida, you will encounter the Celestun Biosphere Reserve. The 146,000 acre reserve is home to the American Flamingo and a number of other species of waterfowl and shorebirds that are threatened with extinction. While you are touring the biosphere, take a 90 minute boat ride out into the estuary where you may see thousands of flamingos at any one time. Bring your bathing suit as well as Celestun Beach's pristine white sands are close by. Entrance into the biosphere is free, however boat rides and other activities may charge a fee.

      Celestun Biosphere Reserve

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