How to Volunteer with Charities in Puerto Vallarta

Whether you are visiting Puerto Vallarta for an extended trip or just a short visit, volunteering can be a fun and educational experience for the whole family. By volunteering in a new country, you can meet new people, see sights that aren't included on any tour, and learn about the culture, all while making an important difference in the area. Volunteering on vacation is becoming more and more popular with travelers. There are volunteer opportunities in all types of programs.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
  • Time
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      Help the children. There are a number of volunteer opportunities to help children in Puerto Vallarta. You can help in a classroom or even teach English for part of the year. You can help on field trips, volunteer at an orphanage or help raise funds for one of the many programs dedicated to helping the children.

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      Volunteer for people in need. From special needs children to poor, working families there are many programs to help the needy in Puerto Vallarta. You can help at a free dental clinic, join the cleft palate program, or spend time visiting with the elderly and helping with their needs.

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      Protect the environment. The environment is crucial to Puerto Vallarta and many concerned citizens help with programs that help preserve and protect these natural resources. You can help find and protect sea turtle eggs or help with a day-long beach clean-up. Many communities have started recycling programs and can use volunteers.

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      Work with the domestic animals. Whether you have a day to spend walking dogs at the animal shelter, or helping out at a free spay and neuter clinic, or have a longer time to help with adoptions and fostering, the animals of Puerto Vallarta can use your help.

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      Find something different. There are so many programs to choose from, it's certain that you will find something to suit you. There are AIDS education and awareness programs, breast cancer, Red Cross, and even opportunities to volunteer at places like the zoo and botanical gardens.

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