Amazon Rain Forest Tours in Peru

When thinking of Peru, the cloud-shrouded peaks of the Andes mountains, colorful hilltop villages and terraced ruins of Machu Picchu come to mind. Look east, beyond the mighty Andes, and the vast, largely untouched Peruvian Amazon stretches to the horizon, covering 60 percent of the country. The ideal tour of Peru takes you across all zones of the country’s diverse coastal and mountain rain forest. Try the well-traveled southeastern route Lima-Nazca-Cuzco, not forgetting Machu Picchu, and onward into the Amazon.

  1. Trans-Peru

    • Cris-crossing Peru

      While getting there is half the adventure, reaching Peru’s rain forest is time-intensive travel. If time is limited, fly to Cuzco and on to Puerto Maldonado in the Amazon. Comfortable, affordable buses connect Peru, though the Lima-Cuzco-Puerto Maldonado bus journey can take up to 36 hours. Rent a car to explore at your own pace along the Interoceanic Highway, but be prepared to pay high rental rates and gas prices. Travel by train for scenic trips through the mountains from Cuzco to Machu Picchu and further south.

    Frontier Puerto Maldonado

    • Along into the Amazon

      Puerto Maldonado, is a remote frontier outpost of the Madre de Dios Amazon. This grit-edged, sweltering jungle town of muddy roads and as many tour peddlers as mosquitoes takes some getting used to. If you’ve booked a tour beforehand, your boat leaves promptly to jungle lodges along the Tambopata or Madre de Dios rivers. Immersive travelers may want to hang around PM for the jungle outpost experience and search on-location for rain forest and riverboat foray options. Try a day trip wildlife excursion on the river ferry to Sandoval Lake.

    Down the Rio to Infierno

    • The river through the rain forest

      The heat can be hell, but Infierno is a warming settlement of the indigenous ethnic Ese Ejja tribe. Only 45 minutes down the Rio Tambopata from Puerto Maldonado, the people of Infierno partially own and work the community-based Posada Amazonas ecolodge. Take in rain forest panoramas from the canopy tower, or go hiking, kayaking, and canopy climbing among monkeys, macaws, parrots, otters, crocodiles and capybaras. If you’d rather relax, laze on the river terrace and in airy rooms, or indulge in local dishes or the wellness center.


    • The southeastern Peruvian rain forest is among the most pristine and bio-diverse in the entire Amazon basin. The region consists of protected reserves and tourism is lead almost exclusively in ecolodge settings supporting refuge and research programs. Combine lodge stays and jungle excursions with seminars and presentations by field scientists at the remote Tambopata Research Center. Whether you choose adventure, cultural or wildlife tours, short trips or remote stays, the region has many lodge locations. The International Ecotourism Society is a trustworthy source for information, or try Peru Nature for an array of options.

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