Suggestions for Moving to Hawaii From the U.S. Mainland

Hawaii is an island state in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If you are relocating from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, there are a few things you should be aware of. It is best for you to move there informed of the pros and cons. It is also suggested that you show a love and respect for the land and the culture, and then you will have a more positive experience.
  1. Learn about Hawaii

    • Culture.

      Hawaii is the 50th state of the United States. The more you learn about Hawaii, the faster you will be able to assimilate. Become aware of some of the most common Hawaiian words and their meanings. Learn about the history of the islands. Most people in Hawaii share the aloha spirit, but there are some that resent the way Hawaii was acquired. Show love and respect for the people around you. The more friends you make, the happier you will be in Hawaii. The population of Hawaii is so diverse. Do not be judgmental, but learn from those around you.

    The Weather

    • The weather in Hawaii is moderate and usually quite comfortable, but with that comes insects. You will need to take steps to prevent insect infestations in your home and yard. Termites can also be a problem with wood. You may need to spray to control them. Also, because of the high humidity, rusting of anything metal is accelerated, including vehicles and appliances. You may want to purchase a spray that resists rust on metals. During the rainy season, some food items become inedible quickly, so it is best to keep all food in plastic containers or in the refrigerator or freezer. You will also want to take steps to keep moisture out of your home with dehumidifers, fans and air conditioners.

    Cost of Living

    • Price of Paradise.

      The palm trees and sandy beaches are always close by since the islands are fairly small. But living in Paradise comes with a cost. Prices in Hawaii are some of the highest in the nation. You will want to find the best bargains on the island. There are some stores like Walmart, as well as Costco and Sam's Club, which are beneficial to shop in. Housing is about twice or three times as expensive in Hawaii as on the mainland, depending upon where you come from. Housing is also smaller than what some people on the mainland are used to, so you will have less room for storage.

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