Alaska Bike Tours

With majestic mountains as the backdrop, bicycle tours of Alaska provide a compelling travel alternative for tourists who are concerned about the environment and their health, and wish to enjoy a scenic escape. Bike tours are available for all levels.

  1. Sockeye Cycle

    • Sockeye Cycle offers daily, extended, self-guided and international tours that take bicyclists through Alaska, the Yukon and northern British Columbia. Daily tours last from three to six hours and integrate cycling with other activities, like sightseeing in Skagway and kayaking in Chilkat State Park. Extended tours range from three to nine days, and some include alternate transport, such as a ride on the Alaska State Ferry on the Inside Passage tour.

    Alaska Backcountry Bike Tours

    • Alaska Backcountry Bike Tours offers day trips and extended, more challenging mountain trips that last from two to eight days. Tours are often integrated with sightseeing, kayaking, skiing, hiking and camping. The Alaskan wilderness dominates the tour venues, which feature Crescent Lake and Denali National Park.


    • Based in Anchorage, Alaskabike offers a smaller variety of tours but has advanced and specialized options for the more experienced rider and dedicated tourist. Alaskabike offers longer programs, such as the eight-day Bicycle Alaska tour or the seven-day Multisport Alaska Adventure.

    Gear, Guides and Other Details

    • Alaska bike tour companies rate programs by ability and offer outings for all levels. Tours include mountain bikes, helmets, a guide and lunch -- when applicable. Extended tours also include meals and lodging.

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