When Is Elk Bugling in the Rocky Mountain National Park?

As autumn arrives, bugling elk can be heard all over Rocky Mountain National Park. This high-pitched squeal is a mating call that's best heard in September and October from early evening to dawn.

  1. Bull Elk Want Attention

    • A mature bull elk can weigh up to 1,100 pounds.

      When bull elk bugle, it attracts receptive females and prompts challenges from younger, less experienced bulls. The dominant bull is usually 8 to 9 years old and weighs up to 1,100 pounds. Bull elk fight for the chance to breed with females.

    Peak Season for Elk Bugling

    • Elk gather in the meadows at dusk and stay till dawn.

      Bull elk start to bugle in September and finish in October. The peak bugling season depends on mating and weather patterns. Elk must mate at the right time in the fall so the calf, which is born in spring, has the best chance of survival. If they mate too early, it will be too cold for the calf when it's born. If the winter will be long and cold, elk mate in late October, which means bugling peaks in late October. If the area will have a short winter, peak bugling occurs earlier.

    Where the Elk Can Be Heard

    • Elk can be found at Upper Beaver Meadows, Moraine Park and Horseshoe Park on the park's east side. Viewing areas on the west side include Harbison Meadow, Kawuneeche Valley and Holzwarth Meadow.

    Don't Scare the Elk

    • Park rangers recommend going to the park's meadows at dusk. Visitors are not allowed between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. People should bring binoculars and remain quiet so the elk are not disturbed.

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