Kids Activities in Buffalo, New York

When visitors choose Buffalo, New York, as a travel destination, they often have nearby Niagra Falls or the historic Erie Canal in mind. While the falls and canal are popular, travelers with kids have many other choices for entertainment and education. The Buffalo Zoo, the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park, and the Buffalo Museum of Science offer youngsters endless ways to enjoy this area.

  1. The Buffalo Zoo

    • The Buffalo Zoo began when Jacob E. Bergtold gave two deer to the city in 1870. Since then, the zoo has grown, with the latest addition being the Rainforest Falls, giving children a chance to see vampire bats, piranhas and other rainforest creatures. The zoo animals display the wide range of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, with African lions, California sea lions, maned wolfs and Siberian tigers among the main attractions.

      The zoo provides many children's activities. The Zoo Snooze Overnight offers a group 20 children and adult chaperones the chance for a slumber party, with a nighttime tour. The Adopt an Animal program encourages children to support an animal. Pre-school, elementary and teen programs provide activities of interest to each age group, such as the petting zoo for younger children and the summer day camps for elementary and teens.

      Buffalo Zoo
      300 Parkside Ave.
      Buffalo, NY 14214-1999

    Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park

    • The Buffalo and Eire County Naval and Military Park contains a selection of ships, equipment and exhibits to make history come alive for children. The three battleships--"U.S.S. Little Rock," "U.S.S. Croaker" and "U.S.S. The Sullivans"--are open for self-guided or guided tours. Children have the opportunity to feel as if they are sailors on a battleship.

      The equipment section of the park includes grounded military helicopters, tanks and jets used in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, including the "Huey" helicopter. The exhibits range from World War I to present day, covering memorabilia from POWs and Vietnam Veterans. The park also highlights contributions from military women and African-Americans.

      Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park
      One Naval Park Cove
      Buffalo, NY 14202

    Buffalo Museum of Science

    • The Buffalo Museum of Science presents exhibits from the United States and the world. Egypt is represented with artifacts and the story of the Nile River. Dinosaurs show up in fossil records, and come alive in the Summer 2010 "Robotic Dinosaurs" exhibit. Visitors can visit space during the "Our Place in Space" journey through galaxies.

      The sections "Western New York Woodlands" and "Ecology of the Niagra Frontier" bring visitors back to New York state and the wide variety of flora and fauna of the state. "Gems and Minerals" helps visitors learn how minerals develop, with a focus on those native to the New York region. "Digging into Western New York's Past" presents the findings from excavations, which show evidence of mastadons, condors and giant beavers.

      Buffalo Museum of Science
      1020 Humboldt Pkwy.
      Buffalo, New York 14211

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