What Kinds of Fruit Grow in the Catskill Mountains?

The Catskill Mountain region of Southeastern New York State is an area of almost 6,000 square miles, boasting 98 peaks more than 3,000 feet high, waterfalls, ponds and lakes, meadows, cliffs and stunning fall foliage. The climate has variable weather patterns and pronounced seasonal temperature changes such as hot, humid summers and cold, windy winters. Spring and summer are the growing seasons in the Catskills and many fruits easily flourish.

  1. Apples

    • Apples are a popular Catskill Mountain fruit. The large number of apple-themed festivals that take place during the harvest months of September and October attest to the popularity of apple growing in this region of New York. Cortland, McIntosh, empire and red delicious are the most common varieties of apples grown in Catskill apple orchards.


    • Cherries do well in the seasonal climate fluctuations of the Catskill Mountains. They don't do well in long, hot summers, and actually require a cooling off period in the fall and winter, before blossoming again in the spring. Cherry varieties that can handle upstate New York weather include the Kristin, Ulster and lapins trees.


    • Pear trees do best in environments with seasonal temperature fluctuations. Growers can expect their fully matured pear trees to reach 25 to 30 feet in height. Bartlett, bosc and D'Anjou are the most popular pear trees chosen and cultivated by fruit growers.

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