Vacation Destinations in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico, a self-governing territory of the United States, is a popular vacation destination that offers many beachfront, tropical areas for tourists to enjoy. The travel experts at Lonely Planet recommend the city of Ponce, the surf town Rincon and the fishing village Boqueron in their online guide to Puerto Rico. These locales offer a unique combination of island-style relaxation and local traditions that allows visitors to explore the many sides of Puerto Rico.

  1. Ponce, Puerto Rico

    • Ponce is the second-largest city in Puerto Rico and is often called "La Perla del Sur" (Pearl of the South). The coastal city is home to Playa de Ponce Port, which is one of the busiest ports in the Caribbean. The downtown area of Ponce was first built in the late 17th century, and many of the original structures, plazas and fountains still remain. The Plaza de las Delicias is a particularly popular downtown stop, with quite a few fountains, a huge cathedral, the old firehouse, the city hall, and benches scattered throughout where you can rest and take in the sights. Other attractions in the city include the Museum of Puerto Rican Music and the Ponce Museum of Art. Visitors to the city can also visit Castillo Serralles, a huge castle built in the Spanish Revival architecture style.

    Rincon, Puerto Rico

    • Rincon, Puerto Rico, is a laid-back surfing town. Locals often call the area "El Pueblo de los Bellos Atardeceres" (Town of the Beautiful Sunsets), and with good reason. Many people travel there to lounge on the beach and take in the crashing waves and breathtaking skies. The town is home to a few hotels, and simple, locally owned businesses and surf shops. Humpback whales travel to the coast in the winter, making Rincon a prime whale-watching location. The town's still-operating Punta Higuero Lighthouse, which was first built in the 1890s, is also a popular attraction.

    Boqueron, Puerto Rico

    • Boqueron is a small fishing town on the west coast of Puerto Rico. Visitors travel to the area to take in the village's flawless white-sand beaches and sparkling blue water. The public beach offers many amenities and activities, such as picnic tables, scuba-diving, snorkeling, kite-surfing and basketball courts. The town itself features a charming array of food stalls, souvenir stands, dive shops and open-air cantinas. At night, the quiet town lights up as visitors move from bar to bar, taking in the nightlife.

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