How to Handle Theft From Luggage

When traveling, we entrust the employees of the airlines and travel companies with our belongings, and believe they'll get the luggage to our destination on time, in one piece and with everything we packed still inside. However, sometimes this doesn't happen and we're faced with filing a report regarding the theft of our luggage.


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      File a report immediately. Airlines have a timeframe in which you're allowed to file a report regarding an incident of theft from your luggage. Some airlines give a few days, while others give a few hours to report such incidents. Whether you believe your luggage has been tampered with, the first thing you should do upon arrival is checking your luggage for all of its contents. If something is missing, check your baggage for any other missing items and make a note of those items. Contact the airline's customer service department immediately and file a theft report.

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      Make a list and keep notes. After contacting the airline's customer service department, make a list of items you reported missing, the condition of your luggage and the name of the person that you filed the complaint. Keep this sheet of paper easily accessible so you can continue to take notes of phone conversations and anything else you may experience during the complaint process. You'll also want to keep track of any monetary value the item or items had at the time they went missing.

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      Remain calm. The last thing your want to do is anger the person with the airline who is trying to help you. Though an airline employee may have taken the item out of your bag, chances are the person in customer service isn't the same one who did. Before speaking with her, take a deep breath and remain calm while the two of you attempt resolving the situation.

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      Report any employees for poor behavior. If an airline employee is rude, disruptive or has made your situation worse let management know immediately. Though this might not help with you getting your missing items back, it'll help you in finding the right people to work with and avoid those who are disrespectful of your needs.

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      Contact the U.S. Department of Transportation. If you're unable to get help from the airline or cannot resolve the matter, contact the U.S. Department of Transportation for help (see Resources). The DOT can assist you if you flew on a flight from or to the United States.

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      Wait for a response. Be aware that this process may take a few days up to a few weeks to resolve or even get an answer. It's recommended to ask the employee that is handling your case for an estimated time frame for a response so you know when to expect an answer. If a couple of weeks have passed by, make a courteous follow-up call to verify the status of your claim.

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