How to Drag Luggage

At a certain point if you air travel, the "bag drag" through the airport is going to happen. Dragging and schlepping luggage is one of the realities of travel. Luggage gets abused, pushed and dragged, and all this contributes to the early demise of the bags. Use specific methods to make the drag more efficient and reduce damage to the luggage.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand truck
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      Look around the airport ticket counter area. Many airports have luggage cart kiosks that operate much like a vending machine. If possible get a cart. Load the luggage onto the cart and drag that instead of the luggage itself. Once the luggage is checked, return the cart to get your deposit back.

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      Look for the structural strong point on the luggage. These areas include the hard gaskets surrounding the seams of the bags. If you must drag the bag on the ground. Tilt it up so you have a luggage bag-handle to grip and drag it so the gasket takes the brunt of the friction on the ground during the drag.

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      Pull out any wheels from the underside of the luggage, and pull up on the luggage handlebar. Drag the luggage behind you so it is not hitting the back of your knees. Keep an eye out for bumps or ridges at stairs, escalators and walkways. Step onto escalators and pull the luggage up to the next step on the moving staircase.

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      Stack small bags onto one larger bag. Drag the larger on the gaskets to prevent any damage to the small one and minimal friction damage to the larger.

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