How to Buy Luggage

Buying luggage is a fun and easy process. However, it's important to think about what you'll be using your luggage for and to know a little bit about the different types of suitcases and items available before making your final choices.

Things You'll Need

  • budget
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      Before you buy luggage, start by thinking about what you'll be using your luggage for. This should help you to set your budget. The quality of suitcases that you'll need for family car trips is going to be much different than your needs if your travel for business by plane regularly. Think about how often you'll be using your luggage and for how long you'll travel at a time.

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      Luggage can cost anywhere from $50 for a set to thousands of dollars for a single piece. Make sure you know what you can spend and what you are getting for your money.

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      As you look at luggage, pay attention to what the luggage weighs empty. All airlines have weight limits, so a lighter bag is probably better than a heavier one. Also consider what you'll be packing. Since many airlines now only allow you to check one bag free (some even make you pay for the first bag now), you may want to consider using a larger bag so you don't need to pack two.

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      Decide what material you'd like. Nylon luggage is durable and light. Leather may look a little nicer. Hard sided luggage will do a great job of protecting contents but it's heavier. If you are looking at nylon luggage, which is by far the most popular, you'll want a tight weave, and seams with solid stitching. Check to see if their is extra reinforcement on the corners and bottom of the bag.

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      Most bags now have wheels and they are much more convenient than suitcases that must be carried.

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      Make sure the bag has pull handles and check them for quality. Make sure they lock in both positions. There's nothing worse than buying a suitcase and having the pull handle break after your first flight!

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      Before buying any luggage, do a search online and get reviews for the brand and set that you are considering. It's well worth it to hear about other people's experiences before making a final decision.

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      If possible, wait to buy your luggage on sale. Check the return policy before making a purchase and see if their is any warranty on the set you are purchasing.

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      Even though you've wanted a Louis Vuitton bag all your life, this may not be the time to buy it...unless you fly on private planes! Your luggage gets all kinds of handling during flights and you don't want to have your entire year ruined when you find a scratch on your $2,000 bag.

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      Consider buying luggage in a color other than black. There's lots of black luggage so a bright yellow bag is going to be much easier to spot on the carousel at the airport!

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