How to Buy a Luggage Cart

If you love traveling but hate carrying luggage, it's time to buy a luggage cart. Hands-free traveling allows you to enjoy the trip without all the bother. Save your shoulders and keep your hands free by following these tips to buy a luggage cart.


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      Define your need. You will need a smaller, lighter cart if you are just carrying one bag to the airport; you will need a heavy duty cart if you are carrying several bags at a time.

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      Choose thick wheels with treads if you are pulling your luggage a distance, down a street or through snow. Thicker wheels drive better and stop the cart from tipping over.

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      Check the length of the handle. Tall people will prefer a longer handle that allows them to pull the cart without bending over or stooping.

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      Measure the width of the carrying platform. Then determine how many pieces of luggage fit standing up or lying down.

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      Determine the weight. Sturdy wheels and a longer handle can add pounds to the luggage cart. You may want a small, light cart if you have to carry it onto an airplane and store it overhead.

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      Pick a luggage cart that folds up for easy storage. Whether you will store it on an airplane or in the trunk of your car, you want a cart that takes up the least amount of space.

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      Determine the weight capability of the luggage cart. Know what you will be carrying and make sure your luggage cart can safely carry the load.

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