What Liquids Can I Carry on an Airplane?

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration governs the type of liquids that passengers may carry aboard airline flights leaving and entering the United States. These changes were enacted following a failed terrorist plot in 2006.
  1. Allowable Items

    • Each passenger may bring one quart-sized bag of liquid items of toothpaste, lotion, hairspray, or other personal care items in their carry-on baggage. The travel-size bag must have a zip top and be made of clear plastic. All liquids must be in in 3.4-ounce containers. At the security checkpoint, passengers must remove their quart-sized bag from their carry-on luggage and place it in a bin. It will go through an X ray screen, separately from other baggage. Once the items have been screened, passengers may place the quart-sized bag with other luggage. These items may be used as needed during the flight,

    Medical Needs

    • Passengers with health conditions may be permitted to carry more than 3.4 ounces of certain liquids. Beyond medications, parents with young children may bring breast milk, formula, or baby food. Passengers must declare these items to TSA officials upon reaching security checkpoints. Upon reaching the x-ray machine, the passenger should hand the items over to the officer for manual inspection. Although not required, passengers are strongly urged to label all prescription medications. The TSA will not request passengers to "taste test" any of the liquids. Travelers can ask that their medication not go though X ray machines. However, any liquid that doesn't pass a visual inspection will need to be x-rayed before it can be carried on the aircraft. There is no limit to the number of health-related liquids that passenger may have in carry-on baggage.

    Prohibited Liquids

    • Passengers are prohibited from bringing food and drinks on board.This includes items purchased at the airport prior to entering the secure area. Items that are purchased at airport shops located beyond the security checkpoint have been prescreened and may be taken on board the aircraft.

      Other items that cannot be packed in carry-on luggage include snow globes, gel candles, gel shoe inserts, and any sort of self-defense spray such as mace or pepper spray.

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