Checked Airline Baggage Rules for International Travel

Checked baggage rules for international travel typically relate to prohibited or restricted items and items you may need to declare at check-in. Your airline will be able to provide you with details of any other specific rules they follow, but the rules regarding prohibited and restricted items apply to all international flights, irrespective of airline. You will need to pack your suitcases with care and avoid packing banned items in your checked luggage. Your airline will have its own regulations regarding the size, weight and number of suitcases you are allowed to check in and this information will have been supplied to you at the time of booking your flight.
  1. Prohibited Items of Checked Luggage

    • You should review the guidelines provided by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for an up-to-date listing of prohibited items. Many of the checked luggage banned items are either flammable or explosive and most people would not contemplate packing them anyway; gasoline, fuels, hand grenades, flares or fireworks, for example. A few everyday items banned from checked luggage, however, are aerosols, lighter fluid, lighters and matches. Some items such as firearms and types of ammunition are also monitored or restricted and will need to be declared at the check-in counter. If you are in any doubt regarding packing your case for a flight, you should call the airline before travel for expert advice.


    • Small cans of aerosol for personal care are allowed in checked luggage.

      As aerosols are in pressurized containers, they are considered to be risky items to carry on airplanes; due to explosion risks. Airline passengers are only allowed to carry small aerosols for personal care usage, limited to 3 ounces or less in their checked luggage. Once you have passed through airport security, however, you are at liberty to purchase personal care items, such as aerosols, from the airport shopping mall.

    Lighter Fluid, Lighters and Matches

    • One book of safety matches can be taken in carry-on luggage only.

      Lighter fluid is a banned item for checked luggage, as it is flammable. It is possible to take one lighter or one book of safety matches on the plane in your carry-on luggage, however.

    Firearms and Ammunition

    • Call your airline if you plan to pack firearms or ammunition.

      Firearms carried in checked luggage will need declaring at check in. They will be unloaded and packed in an approved, hard-sided, locked container at check in. You should check with your airline before packing a firearm as they will have their own policies. You should check with your airline prior to travel whether ammunition is permitted on board, if so, it will need to be packed in a recommended container. The TSA regulations give more details about the carriage of firearms and ammunition.

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